Friday, August 12, 2011

The swelling is going down...

Good morning!
I just launched my wonderful husband off to his work day. Those of you who know him can appreciate his sense of humor. After reading my blog entry last night, he assured me that he only married me for my nose! lol :) This morning, as he kissed me goodbye, he told me again, "Remember, I married you for your nose - who else would have told you about the booger hanging out of it on our first date?!" (Okay, it wasn't our FIRST date, but it DID happen! :))
Anyway, I love him so much for his ability to make me laugh! He is truly my sunshine! Even though our marriage seemed rocky in the beginning - many thought we wouldn't last - God knew what he was doing when He brought us together! He has molded us and shaped both of us so that He is now the Center of our relationship! I praise Him every day for that! What a blessing He has given me! And let's never forget to mention the miracle of our baby boy, Hunter! He has held me together, motivated me to push on, and often, he has been the inspiration for Thad and me to work together! All along, God was working our hearts so that when these storms approached, we would be able to weather them together! How AMAZING is our God!!!
Well, I just wanted to share that little bit of inspiration this morning, before I went on to mention a few things that I omitted from my entry yesterday.
After the stitch was removed, I resumed the strict eye drop schedule in my left eye, as well as my right. I had been using the Refresh, GenTeal and Serum drops in my right eye through the recovery of my left, but now I have started  using them in my right one again too, per the doctor's instructions. I am also still using the post-surgery Bacitracin in the outer corner of my left eye at bedtime. I have reduced my pain meds to regular extra-strength Tylenol, and only have to take it once a day now. I am still using the cold compresses two-three times a day to relieve the swelling, some discomfort and occasional itching. Last night, I took a Benadryl to help relieve some itching and to relax a little to help me sleep.
My vision is a little better this morning, and my field of vision seems to be a little greater since the swelling has reduced a bit. It's still a little red around the edges of the lids, but overall, it's looking better - although, I still think it's ugly! I'm adjusting to the whole situation though. With God's help, life will get back to normal in the next few months, and hopefully, when all is said and done, I'll have regained some of the vision I've lost. I continue to pray and hope that these surgeries accomplish what the goal is - to prevent any further damage to my corneas! If we can prevent the ulcers, we can retain my vision! That's my prayer!
Thank you again for your prayers, your emails and your words of encouragement! Love to all,
Debbie :)

1 comment:

  1. I read your words over and over because they inspire me. God Bless You for your Faith.
