Monday, August 8, 2011

Post Op Day 4

Last evening my two sisters-in-law stopped in to see me and brought me some beautiful flowers, although I couldn't see them very well. I had Mom take a picture so I can see them after my eye heals. Today the swelling has gone down a bit. I'm still using cold compresses for comfort plus they help reduce the itching. I'm taking a little less pain medicine today, still using Benadryl and using the drops in my right eye. Each night I am applying a Neosporin ointment to the outer corner of my left eye where the stitches are, as directed by my surgeon. There has also been clear drainage from the inner corner of the left eye, causing a crusty layer to form, but the doctor said that would be expected, and I should not try to remove it or it could cause bleeding. A friend of Mom's from work brought dinner over tonight. It was sooo good. Mom and Dad joined me for lasagna, salad, bread and sugar-free strawberry pie for dessert. Mmmm Mmmmm. It was scrumptious. (Thank you, Julie ). I am able to shower and wash my hair as long as I don't get the left eye wet. I showered today, and had no trouble. As far as my emotional and mental perspective, I am having trouble accepting help from others. I feel like I should be doing more, but the limited vision in my right eye prevents me from being independent. It's been hard for me to swallow my pride and accept that I cannot do this alone. I have sometimes been irritable toward the ones I love most, but only out of frustration due to my limits. I'm still waiting for the nurse to schedule my follow up visit when they will remove the stitch holding my left eye closed.  Hopefully she will call tomorrow. Until then, I continue to watch my blood sugars closely and take care of myself. I know that when this is over, I need to be at my best for my family. Having their love makes this a lot easier. That's all for now. Good-night and God Bless.
 (transcribed by Anne, Debbie's Mom )

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