Sunday, August 7, 2011

Post op day 3

Yesterday, the pain was a little worse, so I took two pain pills every four hours rather than one, and that seemed to help.

I spent most of the day resting in my recliner.

Thad and Hunter were great helps to me; with my blood sugars, and meals. I had a special craving for a tomato and cheese sandwich. Thad made a special trip to the garden we planted late, due to the Spring flooding, and found a tomato for me. The sandwiches were VERY good!

Thad also helped me with my cold-compresses which are SO soothing. Especially now, because the surgery site is becoming very itchy. I took Benadryl to fight the itching and it worked very well [Keep Benadryl handy as your eye starts healing!].

Ann, my mother-in-law, came by to see me last night and said that she, and her sisters are still praying for healing.

The nurse is supposed to call tomorrow to schedule my follow-up appointment, which will probably be on Wednesday, to have the stitch removed. I should then be able to see out of my left eye. Then we'll talk about scheduling the surgery on my right eye.

Over all, I'm doing well.

Keep the prayers coming, and I will continue to keep you updated on my progress.

Thanks and LOVE to all!

Debbie :^)  [transcribed by Thad]


  1. Love that the smile is still on your face! Your positive attitude will make a huge difference in your healing, Deb. Love and prayers to you.

  2. I can't stress enough how brave I think you are. Keep smiling. You're terrific!, Mom
