Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day of Surgery

This is Anne, Debbie's Mom. Today was the date of surgery. Debbie's Dad ,Jerry, and I accompanied Debbie to  the Surgery Center at 10:30 A.M. where we met with Dr. Martin. He was very thorough in explaining once again what he planned to do. The procedure took 45 minutes, and Deb was in Recovery for another 45 minutes. Jerry and I met with the doctor afterward and he told us that everything went well.
We were able to see Debbie then, and she was resting comfortably. She told us that she was able to feel some pain in her eye during the procedure , and was given an additional anesthetic. The nurse in Recovery gave her a pain pill to ease her pain and some nausea medicine and morphine in her IV to speed up the pain relief. We left the surgery center at 2 P.M. and Debbie spent the afternoon resting at our house until her husband and son got home. We are attaching a picture of her after the surgery. We are grateful everything went well and she will recover soon. Thanks to everyone for your many prayers. We will continue to update Debbie's progress.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I commented last night, but it's not here, so I'll do it again. I'm so glad all went as well as expected with the surgery. I'm keeping you in my prayers!
