Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Follow up appointment...

Dad took me to see Dr. Martin today. He found an eyelash that was growing "askew" and a stitch that was rubbing my eye. He removed the stitch and pulled the eyelash. WOW!! Immediate relief! THAT'S what was irritating my eye so badly! Whew! I'm glad that's over!
He said everything looks really good, and that the next step is to try to make the other one (the right one) look as similar to the left one.
He told me to continue using the drops and gel as before, but to stop using the bacitracin at night. We scheduled the right surgery for Monday, September 12 at 11:30am. Ann, his assistant, told me to stop taking my daily aspirin as of today and to do the same procedure with my insulin pump as before.
So - 13 days to go!
The second countdown begins.....
Deb :)

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