Saturday, August 27, 2011

Eacret Reunion...

Well, the reunion was this afternoon. Charlene came and picked me up. Rick had to work, and Thad and Hunter really didn't want to go, so Char and I went together. We had a lot of fun, mixing and mingling. I got to see Susie. She's my dad's cousin who also has Type I diabetes and trouble with her vision. I should really talk to her more and get to know her better. I told her I think about her often, wonder how she's doing, and that she is my inspiration! She never seems to let her limitations keep her from enjoying family and friends, and she always has a smile!
I also talked with Uncle Sonny, Aunt Julie, Aunt Lou, Geri Sears, Kathy Barton, Jody (sorry, Jody - I can't remember your last name! :)), and Jerry (my brother) and Kelsey came too! Everyone said my eye looks really good! It wasn't nearly as bad as what they all expected! Nor I - I have to say! I'm really pleased with the way it's healing and how it feels. (Just getting impatient for the other one to be done! :))
Anyway, we had a great time and the weather was beautiful! I think Mom may have posted some of the pictures on Facebook.
Tuesday's right around the corner, and I'll let you know how that goes!

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