Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Post Op Day 5

Well today Mom and Hunter and I took the 2 dogs, Angel and Penny, to the park. It was nice to get out of the house and enjoy the summer air. We were gone about an hour and had a good time. The nurse from Dr. Martin's office called when we got home, and my follow up appointment is scheduled for tomorrow @ 10:45 A.M. I will have to see one of Dr. Martin's associates because he is in another town this week seeing patients. The nurse said that the stitch holding my eyelids together will be removed tomorrow, and I anticipate that I will be able to see out of my left eye. It will be nice to be able to see again after 6 days with very poor vision, to be able to function once again on my own. We as humans value our independence, but it is good to know that we have people who care about us when we need assistance. My blood sugars are stable. I continue to use drops and pain medication per routine. I also am still using Benadryl caplets to relieve the terrible itching in my left eye. It does help, and so do the cold compresses to the surgical site. We'll be posting a new picture after the stitch is removed. I will be able to look in the mirror for the first time since surgery to see the effect it has had on my appearance. I continue to Blog, as it is good therapy for me. I welcome your comments. They encourage me. After tomorrow, I'll be half way through. I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how things went.
(transcribed by Anne, Debbie's Mom.)


  1. Looking forward to your update! Still praying for you.

  2. I know how difficult it was to see how your left eye has changed in appearance. You are my hero. I love you so much. God will strengthen you. Love, Mom
