Friday, August 5, 2011

Post op day 1

After an uneventful night, Deb awoke with a swollen left eye with some discoloration. She said that she slept okay in her recliner, keeping her head elevated above her chest. She took prescription pain medicine every four hours as directed to keep her pain from getting out of control. She is experiencing some tearing from the left eye. The doctor said that was to be expected. She received a call from the nurse today checking on her progress. She has also been keeping cold compresses on the surgical site to relieve swelling and pain. She reports that these are very soothing. I spent the day with Debbie and Hunter while Thad was at work. She is able to get around with some assistance, and continues to use eye drops in her Right eye. Her blood sugars are stable. Her fasting this A.M. was 95. She is careful to watch them closely. She will continue to recuperate at home this weekend with Thad and Hunter. We're really happy that everything is going according to plan. Thad will continue to help Debbie update her Blog this weekend.
Debbie's Mom.

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