Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2nd Surgery-1st Day Postop...

Well, yesterday's surgery went well, though a little differently from the last one. Though I was awake for most of the first surgery, I was sedated enough that I don't remember much of it. The anesthesiologist put me all the way out while the doctor gave me a local anesthetic to numb the eye, but brought me back into consciousness during the actual surgery.
This time, I had a different anesthesiologist. He did put me out for the doctor to numb me, but when he brought me back, there wasn't much sedation, so I was awake and aware during the whole thing. I didn't feel anything though. They had my left eye covered so the bright light wouldn't bother it. I could open and close my left eye, and I could hear the doctor talking and the music in the background. I don't remember any of that from the first surgery.
I'm having a little more pain with this one and there seems to be a lot more bruising. Dad said that the doctor told him that he did have to work a little harder to get to the lower lid muscle on this one than he did the other one. So that's probably why.
The good thing is, I can see! The vision in my left eye is good enough that at least I can function on my own this time! I can draw up my insulin, take my blood sugar, fix my meals, and even do some light cleaning on my own! I'm sleeping sitting up, no bending over, no lifting, and taking Hydrocodone every four hours! The medicine helps, but it just doesn't seem to take all the pain away. There's some throbbing  and aching around the eye socket, and the lower lid area is very tender! I'm using cold compresses consistently throughout the day and taking lots of catnaps. I may see what I can do about getting some Oxycodone tomorrow if tonight's rough.
Dad brought lunch by today to check on me and we had a nice visit. He's been working on creating a DVD slide show with music using the pictures from the family reunion a few weeks ago. He's so into this new stuff! It's amazing what you can do on these computers these days! I've done some before, and I gave him the names of the websites and downloads I've used. I hope that can help him. He's having some trouble that I don't know how to help him with, so maybe he can find the answers on these sites. It's worth a try!
Anyway, I'll have a picture to post tomorrow.
"See" ya then!
Deb :)

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