Wednesday, July 27, 2011

T minus 8 days....

Good morning!
My good friend Michele came to visit yesterday. It was so good to spend time with her! I've missed her! We've both been so busy, it's been difficult to get together. I showed her the diagrams the doctor made of his plans for surgery. She agreed that, although it looks extensive, it doesn't look like it's going to be so bad.
I'm so very blessed to have such good friends and such a loving family - extended family as well!
Spending the day with Mom today. Going to Bible Study, shopping with Hunter for jeans and shoes for school and getting a much-needed hair cut! (Me, not Hunter! Sorry-didn't mean to get anyone's hopes up! Yes, Hunter NEEDS a haircut, but he really believes his long hair is a chic magnet! lol We'll be seriously discussing this before school starts!)
Love to all,
Deb :)

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