Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New glasses

I forgot to mention that Dad and I picked up my new glasses today! They are called WileyX glasses and they are designed for eye protection, mostly for sports and such. They have a foam insert around the lenses that seals the area around the eyes so no air, dust or debris can hurt them.
They're pretty cool! We ordered them with transition lenses, so I can wear them around the house, as well as outside as sunglasses.
They feel a little weird. I'll have to get used to them, but I can tell they're working just by having them on. I don't feel any air movement or anything on my eyes. Plus, it helps just knowing that they're protecting my eyes.
They do transition in the sunlight, though not very fast, and I had a little trouble in the car. The UV protection in the car's windshield causes the trasition lenses not to change, so the bright sunlight did bother my eyes a little. But I can wear sunglasses if needed, or Dad even suggested those little flip sunglass shields that you can put over your regular eyeglasses. I told him I could just shut my eyes in the car. Thad would really like that! Then I couldn't tell him how to drive! lol :)
Anyway, I'm wearing them right now and they're not too bad! I have the elastic band around my head, under my hair, and that helps to keep them securely sealed around my eyes. They do have tiny holes on the upper part of the frame to allow for some ventilation, but still protect from any direct airflow.
I'm going to post a picture here so you can see what they look like. I told Dad I think I might be a little uncomfortable wearing them indoors when I'm in public - like at restaurants or people's houses. But I'll definitely be wearing them around my own house (where I am 90% if the time!) and outdoors when the lenses change into sunglasses.
At this point, there is no Rx in the lenses. We're going to wait until after the cataract surgery to see if I'll need corrective lenses. If that's the case, they can replace the lenses in these glasses with the new Rx lenses and add the transition coating to them as well.
So, yes, there is a chance my vision will be getting better! Yay!!! But I will always have the limitations in my peripheral vision and my forward vision will probably never be 20/20 again. But I'm not blind! What an immense blessing!
Thank you for keeping up to date on my progress and please continue to keep me in your prayers! They are definitely working! Our God is an AWESOME God! I am so thankful that he is gracious and merciful!
I will continue to keep up my posting, though maybe not as often, so check back once in a while!
Take care of yourselves and God bless you all!
Deb :)

Cataract surgery scheduled...

Went to my eye doctor this morning. He dilated my right eye and looked at both. I went over all the procedures the cornea specialist and eye surgeon had done, all my medications and all the new problems I am having.
He said he wants to definitely see what he can do for me with this cataract, though he said he may have some problems. He's not sure he will be able to get past all the scarring on my cornea. Some of it lies right in front of the cataract. But he said he definitely wants to try.
He said to keep using the drops as much as possible, and then sent me in to see the nurse to schedule the cataract surgery.
Since it's a secondary cataract, it's not a complicated procedure at all. They don't do any anesthesia, I can eat and drink the morning of surgery. It is a simple laser treatment that punctures a hole in the back part of the capsule where the cataract is and that clears up the cloudiness from my vision.
Right now, my vision in my left eye (my good one) is 20/50, and in my right eye is less than 20/5.
So, keep the prayers coming! And thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers thus far!
You are all appreciated more than you know!
Love and hugs to all,
Deb :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Follow up with cornea doctor

Went to see my cornea doctor today. He said things aren't any worse, but they really aren't any better. He took pictures of my eye and showed me on the screen where the haziness in on my eye and the carring on the corneas.
He said he is releasing me back to my regular eye doctor and I can look into having the secondary cataract removed from my right eye.
I asked him about computer work and he said that I am definitely causing more permanent damage by working on the computer for long periods of time, or overdoing it when my eyes feel tired. He said that when my eyes start feeling tired, I should stop what I'm doing immediately, lubricate with eye drops, and rest my eyes for 10-20 minutes, or however long it takes to make them feel better.
He said I don't have to come back to see him unless my regular eye doctor says it's necessary. He said I will be coming back, he just isn't sure when.
He also said that if I don't take special care of my eyes, they would need to sew the eyes completely shut, and I really don't want that!
So, I called my eye doctor when I got home, and they have a cancellation tomorrow morning!
So, hopefully, I will be able to have the cataract surgery before the end of the year, since my insurace deductible and out-of-pocket expenses have been met!
Anyway, everything else around here seems to be about the same. Going good! Looking forward to the holidays with plenty of family and friends!
I'll write again tomorrow after my appointment!
Love to all,
Deb :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Appointment with Cornea Specialist...

I went to see the cornea specialist this morning. Great news! There is a minimal ulcer on my left cornea, but it is much better than before the surgeries!
Dr, Johnson told me to continue using the Bacitracin/Polysporin in my left eye four times a day, along with all the other usual drops in both eyes, for one more week. He wants to see me back in one month.
He did say that the only criticism he has is that he doesn't think Dr. Martin did enough to protect my corneas. He thinks Dr. Martin should have narrowed the eye opening even more. But, he said, with special care and continued lubrication, I might not have to have any more surgery.
Dad and I told him that we were going to get the Wiley X protective glasses, and he said great!, that's an excellent idea. The more protection I get, the better.
Dad and I then went to the optical place in the same building, on the second floor. We ordered the glasses with transitional lenses, so they'll darken when I'm outside, but I can still wear them inside as well. The girl there said they should be delivered in about two weeks. She is going to ship them to the Greenwood office, so we can pick them up there. We won't have to drive all the way to the north side to get them. Dad was very relieved!
So... so far, so good! I'll keep up the TLC and see what Dr. Johnson says on November 7!
Until then, thank you for your prayers! And keep them coming!
Love and thanks to all,
Deb :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Post op appointment 10-4-11

I went to the doctor on Tuesday for my post op on my right eye. He put a couple of dyes in my eyes to examine the corneas. The right one looks good, but the left one has an ulcer that he's not sure if it's a new one or if it's been there for a while.
He told me to substitute the gel that I'm using four times a day with the Bacitracin/Polysporin ointment four times a day and at bedtime. He also set up an appointment for me to go back to my cornea specialist to have him take a look and see what he thinks. It's a possibility that if the surgery I have already had is not doing enough to protect my cornea, they may have to sew the left eye completely shut in order for it to heal.
That would not be good, as that is my "good" eye. I am still not able to see out of my right eye due to the cataract.
So we're praying that Dr. Johnson will think that the eye drop therapy and using Bacitracin will heal the ulcer on my left cornea and we won't have to do any more surgery. Please pray that's the case!
My appointment with Dr. Johnson, the cornea specialist, is this Monday morning. So, until then, I'm giving both eyes a lot of TLC - resting them a lot, using the drops religiously, and praying constantly that they will heal and continue to be protected.
I am also having some watering/tearing from the outer corner of the left eye. Dr. Martin said that may be a reaction from the ulcer that's there. I don't have any discomfort, itching or burning - just the watering. That's probably from the neurotrophic disorder - I'm not able to feel anything on the surface of my eye.
Also this week, I removed myself from our auto insurance. That was a hard step. My peripheral vision is severely compromised and it is no longer safe for me to drive. I'll probably never drive again. Although that's a hard pill to swallow, my family and friends have been very supportive and offer to get me out when I need a break or need to go somewhere. It's an adjustment, but not anything I can't live with.
On another note, my baby turned 13 last Sunday! I can't believe it! I'm now the mother of a teenager! I have to say, although Hunter can be a challenge, he's overall a great kid! His sense of humor is definitely inherited from his father! But, thankfully, they both know how to make me laugh! And that's a good thing! :)
Thank you all again for your continued prayer, for your love, support and your friendship!
Love to you all,
Debbie :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Linton Hayride...

Went to the Linton Hayride yesterday. We had a lot of fun! Mom and Dad went with us. It was good to see everyone!
It was cold and it sprinkled off and on throughout the day, but that didn't stop the festivities! There was lots of scrumptious food and most of the attendees braved the weather and went out for the ride. I didn't - I'm a wimp! :)
I wore my sunglasses most of the day. I still have a little bruising and swelling around the right eye so I just thought it would be easier to keep it covered.
The kids had a pumpkin decorating contest that Mom, Dad and I judged. Ted gave out prizes for five categories - the scariest, the prettiest, the ugliest, the funniest and the most original. Everyone had fun!
I'm still using drops often throughout the day to keep my eyes moist and cold compresses to ease the swelling and bruising. Not using much pain medicine, and when I do, it's just regular Tylenol. I'm still using the Bacitracin at night. The outer corner of the right eye is still red and tender, so I'm giving it a little TLC to help it heal.
We are still waiting on the safety glasses to come in from Dr. Tavel. Dad, Mom and I went in to the office on Thursday and talked with them. There have been some delays in their deliveries, but they were very helpful in making sure everything is set to go smoothly once the frames come in. Hopefully, it'll be Tuesday or Wednesday this week. I'll keep you posted on that as well.
I have another followup appointment scheduled with Dr. Martin in about a week and half, so I'll be updating you on that too.
Until next time,
God bless,
Debbie :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Called the Doctor Today....

I called my retina specialist today and talked to his nurse. I've noticed some floaters and some white flashes in my right eye that I didn't have in my left one. I remember back when I was having retinal surgeries, those were some of the things they said I should call about.
She said that any time the eye has any kind of trauma or surgery, it's normal to have some of these symptoms, at least for a while. As long as they remain mild and I don't notice any blood in my vision, everything is fine. I told her I was glad to know that, but I thought I should call to make sure. She said that was fine and to be sure to call if things got worse.
This Saturday is the Linton hayride and I'm looking forward to it! I'm glad I'll be back to at least semi-normal by then! :)
Have a FABULOUS weekend!
Love to all,
Deb :)