Thursday, October 6, 2011

Post op appointment 10-4-11

I went to the doctor on Tuesday for my post op on my right eye. He put a couple of dyes in my eyes to examine the corneas. The right one looks good, but the left one has an ulcer that he's not sure if it's a new one or if it's been there for a while.
He told me to substitute the gel that I'm using four times a day with the Bacitracin/Polysporin ointment four times a day and at bedtime. He also set up an appointment for me to go back to my cornea specialist to have him take a look and see what he thinks. It's a possibility that if the surgery I have already had is not doing enough to protect my cornea, they may have to sew the left eye completely shut in order for it to heal.
That would not be good, as that is my "good" eye. I am still not able to see out of my right eye due to the cataract.
So we're praying that Dr. Johnson will think that the eye drop therapy and using Bacitracin will heal the ulcer on my left cornea and we won't have to do any more surgery. Please pray that's the case!
My appointment with Dr. Johnson, the cornea specialist, is this Monday morning. So, until then, I'm giving both eyes a lot of TLC - resting them a lot, using the drops religiously, and praying constantly that they will heal and continue to be protected.
I am also having some watering/tearing from the outer corner of the left eye. Dr. Martin said that may be a reaction from the ulcer that's there. I don't have any discomfort, itching or burning - just the watering. That's probably from the neurotrophic disorder - I'm not able to feel anything on the surface of my eye.
Also this week, I removed myself from our auto insurance. That was a hard step. My peripheral vision is severely compromised and it is no longer safe for me to drive. I'll probably never drive again. Although that's a hard pill to swallow, my family and friends have been very supportive and offer to get me out when I need a break or need to go somewhere. It's an adjustment, but not anything I can't live with.
On another note, my baby turned 13 last Sunday! I can't believe it! I'm now the mother of a teenager! I have to say, although Hunter can be a challenge, he's overall a great kid! His sense of humor is definitely inherited from his father! But, thankfully, they both know how to make me laugh! And that's a good thing! :)
Thank you all again for your continued prayer, for your love, support and your friendship!
Love to you all,
Debbie :)

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